Don't Make Me Turn This Life Around by Camille Pagán
My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Available on Kindle Unlimited with Audible narration.

Don’t Make Me Turn This Life Around by Camille Pagán is a witty and uplifting story about a woman who’s struggling to keep her life together.

My Overview

Libby has been cancer-free for ten years. She has a great husband (Shiloh) and twin daughters (Charlotte and Isa), and is the head of a non-profit organization. The joy and optimism she’s felt in years past, however, are now replaced by emptiness and fearfulness. Considering all that’s happened in her life in the past year, it’s not surprising she feels that way:

  • Her father died six month ago
  • Shiloh has been acting distant
  • Charlotte was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes

Clearly, she’s dealing with a lot and is trying to process it all. However, her daughters’ teenage behavior and Shiloh’s secret phone calls and distancing behavior aren’t helping. Also, she and her family are still adjusting to Charlotte’s life with diabetes, and all it entails. When Milagros, Libby’s octogenarian friend from Vieques, invites her and her family to visit … it seems like the perfect way to turn this life around.

Vieques is where Libby and Shiloh met and fell in love at, so she’s convinced a trip to their beloved island is exactly what the family needs. She’s also hopeful Shiloh will be reminded of the early days of their relationship, and they’ll be able to reconnect. From the moment they arrive at Vieques, it’s clear this trip will be far from the idyllic vacation Libby had envisioned. Everything is much different from what she’d expected, and a powerful tropical storm tests them all in ways they hadn’t expected.

This story had everything I’ve come to expect from this author. The realistic situations, relatable characters, and witty humor are what I look forward to in her stories. I’ve learned, however, that as cheerful as the covers look, her stories are based on heavy themes. In this case, grief and terminal illness are a big part of the story. Overall, this is a touching story with an uplifting message.

My Recommendation

If you enjoy family dramas with depth and humor, give this book a try. I read the Kindle edition along with the audio narration at times, and recommend either. I’ve been a fan of this author’s books for a while, and recommend them every time.

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