The Darkest Flower by Kristin Wright is impressive and mysterious. The storyline is centered around the mystery of a poison attempt among a group of moms.
Available on Kindle Unlimited.
My Overview
At the 5th grade graduation event, someone tried to poison one of the PTA moms. Kira Grant, the PTA president, is soon arrested and released on bail. She hires attorney Allison Barton to defend her. Kira is clever, calculating, and despicable. Allison soon regrets the day she decided to take on her case. The story is told from Kira and Allison’s POVs, in alternating chapters. The more we learn about the main characters and the rest of the PTA moms, the more the mystery escalates. Who’s the darkest flower among the group of moms?
While the story follows through the end of the trial, the ending leaves lots of opportunity for a terrific Book 2. The Darkest Web is Book 2, and I’m looking forward to reading it. Hopefully my guesses on where this story goes will be correct!
My Recommendation
I can’t believe how long I’d had this book in my Kindle library. If only I’d known what I was missing out on every time I passed on it! I really enjoyed the snarky characters and realistic storyline. If you’ve been putting off reading this book, delay no more. I hope you’ll be hooked on this story as much as I was.