Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Bandanna is a heartwarming romance story full of endearing characters and witchy magic.

My Overview

What can I say about this book, other than it was the perfect way to complete my month of Halloween reads? 💫

This is a story about diversity, acceptance, being true to yourself, and finding your way in life. In essence, this book tackled a lot … and it did it well. Sometimes, stories that take on too much end up being distracted or weak. That’s not the case here.

Sangu Mandanna crafted a well-balance story that takes on some heavy subjects, yet still maintains a light and heartwarming feel to it. I attribute that to the endearing characters, especially the three young witches who added whimsy and innocence to the story. Take a visit to Nowhere House. There, you’ll meet Mika Moon, her three young students, and the rest of the inhabitants. Until Mika’s able to teach the young witches to control their magic, they’ll get into some mischief and will make you smile.

I included this story as one of my reads for Halloween month, simply because of the witch aspect. However, this would be great any time of the year, especially during fall or winter. In fact, at one point in the story, there’s a Winter Solstice celebration at Nowhere House.

My only quibble, is that I wish the romance portion would have been excluded, to make the story accessible to young readers. The themes of family, love, and acceptance, are such that young readers would enjoy and benefit from. Since a lot of the story is about the young witches, I think young readers would be able to relate, appreciate their situations, and enjoy their magic.

Part fantasy and part romance, this is a warm and uplifting story with a great message that will be relatable to many. In a month of dark, mysterious, and creepy stories, this story was a welcome shift. This was the best way to round up my collection of 9 Spooky Stories for Halloween 🧙‍♀️.

My Recommendation

I enjoyed this story and recommend it. This is my first book by this author, so I’m looking forward to reading more of her books. The audiobook was nicely done, so I recommend that as well.

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