First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston is an engaging cat-mouse thriller based on the life of con-woman Evie Porter. My Overview Evie Porter is in a happy relationship with Ryan...
Eight Perfect Hours by Lia Louis is heartwarming and hopeful story about love, family, and fate. My Overview In a tragic instant, Noelle’s life changed when her best friend died...
One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle is set against the backdrop of the Amalfi Coast, and is a heartfelt story about a strong mother-daughter bond. My Overview When Katy Silver’s...
Have I Told You This Already?: Stories I Don’t Want to Forget to Remember by Lauren Graham is a collection of entertaining essays about her personal and professional life. My...
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a speculative fiction novel written about a future in which books and homes are burned instead of being saved. My Overview This story takes...
Wild (Book 1) The Simple Wild by K. A. Tucker is a heartwarming romance story of the enemies-to-lovers trope, with great banter throughout. Available on Kindle Unlimited. My Overview Calla...